Their Secretary Page 2
In the bottom of his bag lay a red half-mask, along with a small box. Taking it out of the bag, Colt opened it and laughed. Fake vampire fangs sat on white cotton. The caps would fit over his teeth and complete the look for the night.
His computer beeped, and he laid the mask and teeth on the coffee table in front of the couch. His phone chimed the arrival of another text message.
Dracula is also the ultimate tragic love story. The Count spent several lifetimes trying to find his wife, who killed herself upon hearing the lie of his untimely death. When Dracula finds Mina, he sees his wife, and he must have her, even though she is promised to someone else. Sound familiar to you, Colton?
Colt ran a hand over his face and snorted. Of course it did. Shit. He still sat staring at the computer when the door opened and Tyce stepped out of the bathroom naked.
“Fucking tease,” Colt growled. “Remember, I’ll be fucking your ass tonight, after turning it a beautiful shade of red.”
Tyce grumbled. “I have been waiting days for you to do that.” He yanked the zipper back down on his bag and took out a blue mask. “What the hell is this?”
“Consider it part of the party we’re about to attend tonight.” Colt turned in his chair and pointed to the coffee table. “My accessories as well.”
“Damn, they went all out.”
At a sharp knock, Tyce sprinted back to the bathroom, cursing under his breath. Colt answered the door to see a little blonde dressed as a flapper with her bangs in pin curls and the rest of her hair in an updo. Her green eyes sparkled with mischief.
“Bonnie, what can I do for you.”
“Mr. Shaw. I see you and Mr. Stewart have settled in.” She grinned. “I have been provided with a couple of modifications to your costumes.” She handed over two contact cases. “There is a set for you and a set for Mr. Stewart. Please make sure you have them in place when you arrive at the ballroom.” She turned on her heel and left him staring after her.
“What did she want?” Tyce called from the bedroom. “Or do I want to know?”
“I have no clue. Come here and take a look for yourself,” Colt answered, placing the cases on the table where his laptop rested.
“Why does this date keep getting weirder with each passing second?” his partner asked, picking up a small round container with his name on it. “What the fuck is this?”
“It would seem we need to become the character.” He showed Tyce the red contacts in his own box.
“Holy shit,” Tyce whispered then opened his. “Blue?” He laughed. “Nope, I won’t stick out like a sore thumb.” He shook his head and closed the container. “So, now we’ll be unrecognizable to our girl. Isn’t a disguise counterproductive?”
Colt smiled. “No. It’s perfect. Don’t you see?” When his lover shook his head and peered up at him, brow furrowed, he pressed on. “We’ve hurt her. What a better way for her to get to know us than to have her meet us as strangers. We’ve been given the chance to start over with Piper and do this the right way.”
He watched realization dawn. “Fucking perfect,” Tyce said. “I could kiss Madame Eve right now.” Excitement shimmered in his eyes as he moved away to finish getting ready.
“There is something else,” Colt called out. “We got a formal invitation. It came with my costume.”
“We have to mingle before we play. So, we’ll have time to woo our fair Mina.” The idea of dancing with her, and spending the time necessary to get to know her, more than they already did, made his blood heat with anticipation.
“Perfect,” his lover said, stepping out of the bedroom almost dressed. The suit he wore fit him like a glove. It accentuated every hard plane of his body, making Colt’s mouth water. “We’ll keep her guessing all night, then.”
“My thoughts exactly,” he said then cleared his throat. The longer he stared at Tyce, the more he wanted to rip the suit from his body and fuck him where they stood. “I need a shower then we should be ready to go.” Adjusting himself, he strode to the bathroom, closing his lover out. Damn. This is going to be harder than I thought it would be. In a few short hours, they would have Piper primed and ready for them. If all went as planned, she’d never leave their side again.
Chapter Three
What was taking so long? Colt had stepped into the bathroom almost a half hour before. Tyce paced the length of the small living room, checking his watch. Slipping the gold timepiece into the pocket of the red-and-gold waistcoat, he glanced up when the door to the bathroom opened. There, standing on the threshold, was his partner. He sucked in a breath. Tyce’s dick stirred to life and pressed against the front of his slacks as he took in the visage of his lover dressed head to toe in black, with accents of red. When Colt’s eyes met his, Tyce groaned. No way they’d make it through this evening without finding a dark corner.
“You look…amazing.” His gaze lingered on the blood-red contacts obscuring Colt’s green eyes. The lenses transformed his lover into someone he didn’t know. A thrill of anticipation coursed through him. Tonight wasn’t just about bringing Piper into their relationship, but also about he and Colt connecting on a deeper level.
“I could say the same.” Colt showed a hint of fang. “You don’t even look like you.” He crossed the room and took Tyce’s hand. “I could get used to you with blue eyes.”
“The red brings out your inner Ripper.” He lifted his hand to his lover’s cheek and leaned in for a kiss. “We’re never going to make it through the night.”
“Yes, we will. We’re doing this for Piper.”
Nodding, Tyce grabbed their invitation and masks and headed for the door. “We’ll mingle for an hour then find our girl. Then I’m tearing you out of that suit. No. Maybe I’ll allow you to keep it on. Or you can keep your mask on. Either way, we’re fucking.”
“You’re pretty cocky there, Mr. Harker,” Colt murmured.
“Confident. There is a difference, lover.” Handing him the red mask, Tyce donned the blue one. “Let’s go make some memories.”
Interspersed with angels and demons, Greek mythological figures and comic book characters strolled the ballroom. No…Colt would kick his ass if he called his beloved graphic novels comic books. And the only person he sought was Piper.
“Do you see her yet?” Leave it to Colt to voice the question he was thinking.
“No. Just the run-of-the-mill comics, and anime. You?” He glanced back and forth.
“A virgin and, I think, a succubus. Cute little blonde.” Tyce followed Colt’s line of sight. Cute but looks frightened out of her mind.
“Doesn’t seem like she’s comfortable at all.”
“No,” he agreed. “The line is moving. Maybe Piper is already inside.”
Colt stared at the little demon for a moment then stepped forward. “Maybe, or she decided to duck out before we could even start this date.”
“Oh, hell no.” Tyce turned toward him.
Colt’s red eyes narrowed and his jaw firmed. “I’m putting it out there, you never know.” He shrugged.
“Well, I won’t listen to it.” His lover squeezed his jaw. “She’s either already inside or running late. Madame Evangeline said something about her being confused and needing time.”
“Oh, when did you hear about this?” Why didn’t you tell me before now?
“Well, I—”
“Good evening, Mr. Harker and Dracula,” Bonnie said.
“Bonnie,” he said, handing over his invitation. “How’s the turnout?” Tyce smiled down at her while she worked on her tablet.
“Great,” she said. “Please read the following and sign off on the rules. They were laid out in the invitation, and you also signed them in the packet you turned in beforehand.”
“Not a problem.” Tyce signed the screen then handed it back.
“Excellent. Dracula, your turn.”
While his lover signed the tablet, he continued to study the people in the growing crowd.
“Enjoy yo
ur evening, gentlemen.”
“Hey, Bonnie,” he said, turning back to the little flapper. “Has a Mina showed up, or a woman dressed sort of like us?”
“Where is your sense of adventure, Mr. Harker? If I told you anything about your date, you’d miss out on the chase.” The wicked gleam in her green eyes made him chuckle.
“Touché, Miss Bonnie. I hope your Clyde finds you soon.”
Sorrow flickered in her eyes, and her lips pursed. “One can hope.”
Piper stared at her costume and shook her head. “No way.” No way in hell she could get dressed on her own. It involved a corset she’d need to be cinched into and no less than sixteen yards of material needing to be fitted to her. “Ain’t going to happen.”
Piper pulled up 1Night Stand’s e-mail on her phone. Nervous butterflies beat against her belly. There was no logical way she could go through with this. Ever since the plane landed, she’d had a horrible feeling of foreboding.
Madame Eve, while I appreciate the beautiful gown, I cannot follow through on this date.
Her fingers hovered over the keys when a knock on the door drew her attention away from her phone. “One minute.” She glanced down at the screen one more time, but the knock came again, this time more insistent. Opening the door, Piper bit back a curse when five women dressed in salon smocks stood at her door. “Um….”
“Good evening, Piper. We’re here to help you get ready,” the older brunette woman standing in front of her said. “Ladies, we have two hours to get her ready. Time is wasting.”
At a clap of her hands, the other ladies stormed in, carrying beauty cases. Her room became a flurry of activity. They deposited makeup, blow dryers, and dozens of other items on the table by the sliding glass door to the balcony.
“I’m not sure I understand.” She nibbled on her lip. “I didn’t order this.”
“All part of the package dear,” the older woman said, guiding her to a chair. “You’re going to be Mina, which means we need to cover up all this beautiful red hair.” She nodded to another beautician. “A nice chestnut color should go perfect for the evening, Patty.”
“I’m not sure I should dye my hair….” She swallowed hard. “Is it permanent?”
“No, dear. It’ll come out in four to six washings. Eight if you condition it every time.” Patty squeezed her shoulder and lifted her hair appraisingly. “This lovely color won’t be harmed. Don’t worry. We’ll take care of you.” Another woman walked over and placed ear buds into Piper’s ears then hit play on an iPod.
The music carried her away. She relaxed as the women around her worked their magic. An hour later, Piper stood in front of a full-length mirror, a stranger staring back at her. Stunning. Curled and pinned into a Victorian updo, Piper’s hair looked amazing. Thin wisps framed her face while crystal beads gave her dark locks a bit of panache. “Wow,” she whispered, turning left then right. “Thank you.”
The older brunette rested a hand on her arm and gave a friendly squeeze. “It’s our pleasure working with you, Mina. Go have fun. And remember don’t let your fear turn you into a pumpkin before you find happiness.” The woman wrapped the gold mask over Piper’s eyes and tied it behind the curly updo. She closed Piper’s hand around the invitation and guided her into the hallway.
Down in the elevator and, within moments, she stood outside the ballroom in a cluster of other guests waiting to get inside.
Their energy pulsed with excitement.
“Have you ever?” a woman dressed as Guinevere said.
“No. It’s….” Piper started.
“Amazing,” Guinevere murmured. “So, who are you looking for?”
“Well, it could be one of two people, I suppose. Either it’s Dracula or Jonathan Harker. I guess I’ll find out when I get inside. You?” Piper asked, shifting forward in the line.
“I’m in the same boat. Either King Arthur or Sir Lancelot.”
“Who do you hope it is?” Piper flicked the edge of her invitation, growing nervous.
“Both.” She giggled. “Naughty, I know. But, it’s a fantasy date, right? So, who would you chose?”
Colton and Tyce. “I don’t know. I’m intrigued by both. Maybe I’ll get lucky.”
“Maybe.” Stepping forward, Guinevere placed her invitation in the little flapper’s hand. Piper had met the woman, Bonnie, when she arrived at the club. Guinevere waved and mouthed good luck before disappearing inside.
“Ah, Mina. You look stunning. A certain someone will be happy to see you.” Bonnie accepted Piper’s invitation in her hand.
“Really, who is it?”
Bonnie was damn good at her job. The woman could soothe frayed nerves and make a person anxious to get inside the building—even when the urge to run for the woods filled her.
“I can’t tell you. You’ll have to step past the curtains and grab destiny by the hand,” she said. “If you could read over the rules one more time and sign off on them, then you’ll be free to enter.” Bonnie pointed to where Piper needed to sign.
After she initialed her name then signed at the bottom, Bonnie took the tablet back and bade her a good evening. Piper took a tentative step forward, stopped, and turned back to the registration table. Could she go through with it?
Grab life by the balls, Piper Collins. Make Tyce and Colton regret they never gave you the time of day.
Lifting her chin, she walked into the ballroom and whistled. It was as though she were transported back in time. She half expected royal guards patrolling the perimeter of the room. Black and white curtains draped the walls, some held back by braided, thick gold cord with dangling tassels. To her right stood an ice sculpture of the devil and the maiden. Piper stepped closer to the pedestal and took in the figurine. Her head was tilted to the side, while the devil whispered in her ear. Probably something naughty—a promise of more to come if she will only give in to him. The left hand of the devil rested on her hip while his right arm wrapped around her waist, holding her to him.
Several more sculptures were situated around the room. The placard on the one she admired said they’d been designed and sculpted by the reclusive Arturo Bianchi. Wow, I thought he retired. Wonder what made him come out of hiding to make these? By the time she got back to the front entrance, the doors had been closed.
Now how am I going to find my date?
On a banner, in swirling script, she read, Non timebo mala. I will fear no evil. Her motto for the night. Smoothing her hands down her dress, she lifted her chin. Yes, it should be. When the time presented itself, Piper would find her dates. Or, maybe she would let him or them or whoever Madame Eve had in store for her, find her.
Go have fun, girl. You deserve to get your swerve on. Remember, make them regret everything.
Chapter Four
An hour of mingling. Pfft, what had he been thinking? So much for this being easy on him and Tyce. It was turning into a torture session. Not only had they made three loops around the ballroom, keeping their eye on the entrance or any sign of Piper, they’d eaten their weight in shrimp cocktail and petit fours.
Colt tugged Tyce to a stop and whispered in his ear. “This is getting ridiculous. Where is she?”
His lover edged them past the devil and, if he had to guess, the virgin. “I am beginning to lose faith as well, Sir.” Tyce handed him a bottle of water then grabbed one for himself. “Would Madame Eve tell us if Piper left?”
He’d wondered the same thing since their second trip around the room. “I don’t think Madame Eve would leave us hanging. Surely, she would send us word if Piper left us.”
“I hope so as well.” Stepping away from the table, Tyce grabbed his hand, squeezing it tight. “I don’t believe it,” he whispered. “Look.”
The crowd parted to reveal a woman dressed in a gold-and-red Victorian dress with a hood that covered her hair. A gold mask disguised her features. Long sleeves came inches below her elbows before billowing out in embroidered lace and red silk, flowing down to he
r wrists. The soft curves of her breasts pushed against the bodice of her dress, accentuating the ribbon corset. She reached up and pushed the covering from head. Piper?
“Wow,” he murmured.
“Indeed, Sir. Should we approach her, or wait to see if she notices us?”
Colt wanted to grab the woman, throw her over his shoulder, and take her back to their room. Someone as beautiful as her deserved to be loved in private. “Give her another moment to notice us,” he answered, never taking his eyes off of her. “I have a feeling she knows we’re watching her. As if on cue, she turned toward them and bit the corner of her lip, a total giveaway for a nervous Piper.
Colton had noticed the first day she came to work with him and Tyce, any time she was unsure of herself, she bit the corner of her lip and adverted her gaze. When he called her on it, she brushed it off and said her mother called it a “nasty habit of unsophisticated women.” He hated her mother. Over the years, he learned Piper’s parents didn’t approve of her profession. They didn’t approve of her dating life. They didn’t approve of pretty much anything Piper did. Her mother wanted her to be a senator’s wife. Someone who did charity work to further her spouse’s career. She wanted Piper to spit out kid after kid while also losing weight so she could fit into all those ridiculously small dresses. To hell with that shit.
Piper gave them a tremulous smile before taking a step forward. Colt willed her to approach them. When she closed the distance, he let out a breath he didn’t even know he’d been holding. Her brown eyes locked with his red, and she shuddered. Did she like what she saw? Is she scared?
“Mina,” he murmured, holding his hand out to her.
“Dracula.” Her voice held a velvety soft quality. The pulse at her neck quickened as he kissed her knuckles. “Jonathan.”
“My love.” Tyce fell right into role.
She nibbled her lip once more. “This is amazing, don’t you agree?”