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  He gave her his full attention while catching what she said out of the corner of his eye as Sam signed for him. It’s good to meet you.

  “Whoa, you’re deaf.” Keeley looked over her shoulder at her sister. “Wicked.”

  It’s good to meet you.

  The other woman, Danielle, continued to stare at him. Her preternatural gaze unnerved him. Her tense presence along with, what he’d considered, appraisal of the room, intrigued him. She seemed hyperaware of everything going on around them. He wondered if maybe when she explained the children had abilities so did she and if she did, what kind?

  "Incoming,” Danielle said, lifting her chin slightly.

  Constance. Mark closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Sorry. Excuse me.

  He didn’t want to have this conversation with his ‘number one fan,’ but it seemed no matter what he did, she always showed up. Always asked the same thing and always tried to get in on his life. Not happening. He scratched Molly's head as he stepped away from the group. They followed him. Their companionship bolstered him. As he stopped in front of the woman he was quickly considered a stalker, her eyes darted toward everyone.

  I’m sorry Constance. I must take leave. Hope you understand.

  Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she nodded. "I understand. We have the whole weekend. Have a good afternoon." Without a backward glance, she trudged off with her shoulders back and her head held high.

  Mark turned to Keeley and Danielle and sagged. Thank you. That woman. I didn’t expect you early. You caught me off guard.

  Danielle narrowed her blue eyes. “Wait, you’re our interview?”

  Sam stepped forward. “I’ll be assisting Mark today. I’m his interpreter.”

  Mark smiled, feeling more than a little guilty now for not telling them. Surprise. Molly snuffled his palm as if reminding him she was there too. This is Molly, my companion. Is she going to be a problem?

  Danielle shook her head. “No. Not even.” She smiled. “Sorry, I guess we should start over. Would you like to join us for lunch?”

  Mark nodded. We were going to grab something too.

  “He didn’t tell you about me, did he?” Sam asked, joining them.

  “No,” Danielle said. “We didn’t even know he was an author, to be honest.”

  Mark’s cheeks heated. Shit, he really fucked this up. It’d been five years since the last time he’d seen his brother or had any kind of contact with him. Of course, he told Mark he’d been happy, but it would be a while before he could come home. He also told Mark to find his happiness too. So, he told Sam what his plans were, and if the guy wanted to come with him, he could. If not, Mark and Molly were moving to Sedona to start over.

  Sam came with him.

  When they arrived in Sedona, he found a job at a school for blind and deaf students. He loved them dearly, however, Mark needed more. When this job came up, he had to have it. Now, he regretted lying to Danielle and Keeley, even though technically he hadn't. Sorry. I should have told you the truth. I thought face to face would be better.

  Danielle waved him off. “Don’t worry.”

  They sat down at a table away from others and ordered when the waitress appeared. It made it easier for him to concentrate and Sam to interpret for them. Mark took a moment to gauge both women. They were opposites for sure, and he had a feeling Keeley wore the pants in their sisterhood. Although, if the articles he read were true, Danielle was more dangerous than her sister.

  Are you saying I still have a chance for the job? He finally asked after once they began to eat. The whole time he thought they’d tell him no. Or worse, they’d leave before he had the chance to explain why he never told anyone about being deaf until he met them.

  “Come on, bro. They’d be stupid not to take you,” Sam said while signing.

  Keeley cocked a brow. “Oh?”

  Sorry, he sticks his foot in his mouth a lot.

  Sam waved him off. “Says you. Look, he should have told you he was deaf too. But, he didn’t. However, between the two of us, I am sure we can help you. It sounds like you could use it.”

  Sam was blowing smoke up their ass. He didn’t know a damn thing about the job. Mark had barely told him about it. Now, you’re being pushy.

  Danielle held her hand up. “We have a unique case. His name is Utah and he’s deaf.”

  Didn’t seem so unique to Mark. Well, you’re in luck. I’m deaf.”

  Sam laughed. “Smooth man.”

  Thank you.

  Keeley covered her mouth as her shoulder shook. “I can see why you get along so well.”

  He’s annoying.

  “He drinks from the carton.”

  “There is more to Utah,” Danielle said, drawing him back to the conversation. “He’s a tiger.”

  Mark blinked. Come again?

  “I thought shifters didn’t have human maladies,” Sam added.

  “Neither did we,” Keeley stated. “Until we met Utah.”

  What happened? Curiosity got the better of Mark. It was rude of him to ask such questions, but the idea of a shifter having faults caught him off guard.

  “He won’t tell us,” Danielle said. “It’s why we need help.”


  “Trying.” Danielle tucked her bottom lip between her teeth. “We’re barely up and running, but we have the funding to hire everyone we need on a year to year basis.”

  Mark took a minute to think about what Danielle told him. And you want me to work with Utah and see if I can help him?

  “Oh, no. Not at all. We are going to hire someone to help the kids with their issues,” Keeley answered. “We need someone to teach us sign language and someone who can help with Utah’s schooling.”

  Mark blinked. Really?

  Danielle inclined her chin. "Yes. We all have to learn to communicate with Utah. If we can all learn sign language now, it'll make it easier for us to get to know him."

  He sensed there was more, but he wouldn’t push. Bad enough he already lied to them. When would I start?

  “Monday,” Keeley said. “We can provide you with a place to stay until you can get settled if need be.”

  Sam glanced at him. “You do know this is a package deal, right? Wherever Mark goes, I go and so does Molly.”

  Danielle smiled. “We’d need you too and Molly is a welcomed addition to the pack. I’m sure she’ll go nuts on the full moon.”

  “Full moon?” Again, Sam looked at me.

  “Oh, when all the shifters go for runs and generally cause chaos,” Danielle replied.

  “Look.” Keeley reached across the table and touched my hand. A bolt of warmth shot up his arm. he’d never experienced anything like it before. Ah, much better. Thank you, Danielle.

  You’re welcome, Danielle answered, in his head.

  What did you do? He couldn’t believe it.

  I made a neuro-connection to you, Danielle replied. I did it with Utah as an experiment to see if it would work. We’re all three connected now. I hope this makes it easier to talk to us.

  Weird. People will stare.

  Let them, Keeley said. We’re used to it.

  I’m sure, Mark answered. I really should have told you about myself. I don’t know why I lied.

  You didn’t though. Warmth and acceptance filled him. The crazy sensation enveloped him like a heavy blanket, leaving him feeling secure. You did what you thought was right for you in this circumstance. We understand.

  Sam nudged him. “Almost time to go back.”

  Right. Shit. If you would like to stay for the rest of the afternoon, you’re more than welcome. I have to get back to the conference room to sign books.

  “We’d like that,” Keeley said. “Besides, I have a few friends in the room.”

  "Welcome to the team, Mark, and Sam," Danielle said. "I'm thinking this is going to be a pretty great start to an interesting partnership."


  They stood. Mark started for the exit of the eatery when
he stopped then took a step back. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted someone he knew. Someone he hadn’t seen in five years, Jasper. His heart started to beat again. Sounded stupid since his heart had to beat for him to live, but he’d missed his brother so desperately, he couldn’t stand the thought of never seeing him again. Before he could say anything, Jasper wrapped him in the biggest hug. All of the anger and sorrow washed away momentarily.

  He planned several conversations he’d have with his brother over the last five years. Like; what the fuck, man. Or, why did you ghost on me? But, at that moment it didn't matter. A few seconds later a shorter man and one the size of a brick shit house joined them. They were as different as night and day. The bigger of the two men stood about five inches taller than the man standing next to Jasper. He had a wicked scar Mark could barely make out on his shoulder and the guy had short black hair. The man’s violet-blue eyes surprised Mark when the guy turned his gaze on him. The shorter of the two men, had beautifully tanned skin, amber colored eyes, and a gentle smile.

  “Well hell,” Jasper said.

  What is going on here? What are you doing here? Who is he? Them? Why did you leave me? Instead of giving his brother a chance to speak, Mark hit him with rapid fired questions.

  Jasper hugged him again then began. I live here with Max and Kole. This is Max. Jasper pointed to the large imposing man beside him. And this is Kole. He tugged the shorter man into his side. Whoa. Wait a minute. His brother pointed to Danielle and Keeley. How do you know the Alpha’s mate and her sister?

  Job interview. They need help. Mark shrugged. I need to go. Meet me later? Dinner? If he were honest with himself, he didn’t want to deal with this right now. Even though he played it cool—er as cool as he could, and he didn’t feel any anger toward his brother, he just plain felt empty. His brother had a life of his own now and for whatever reason cut off communication with him. Now, with Jasper coming back, Mark couldn’t fall into their old routine, like Jasper hadn’t hurt him. He looked to Keeley and Danielle who kept to themselves. If they thought any of this was weird, they sure didn’t say anything.

  Okay, Jasper signed. But, we have someone we wanted you to meet. Her name is Ginger and she’s different. “Kalkin might have our ass too. It involves the Quincy pack.

  Danielle and Keeley’s gaze darted to his brother. “What did you say?”

  Jasper repeated himself. She could use your help too, Danielle. If you’re willing.

  “Always,” Danielle answered. “Whatever I can do to help.”

  Keeley shooed Mark back to the conference room and used the link she and Danielle created with him at lunch. Don’t worry, you’ve got the job. We’ll help your brother out while you’re signing autographs. We’ll talk about the job details later.

  Thanks. He let out a sigh of relief. What a day right?

  She laughed. You haven’t seen anything yet.

  Also available at TEP

  from TL Reeve and Michele Ryan


  Apache County Shifters, 1


  Apache County Shifters, Book 1.5


  Apache County Shifters, Book 2


  Apache County Shifters, Book 2.5



  Leaving the Past Behind, Book 1


  Leaving the Past Behind, Book 2


  TL Reeve, a multi-published author with Cobblestone Press, Decadent Publishing, Evernight Publishing, and Loose-Id, was born out of a love of family and a bond that became unbreakable. Living in Alabama, TL misses Los Angeles, and will one day return to the beaches of Southern California to ride the waves at Huntington Beach. When not writing something hot and sexy, TL can be found curled up with a good book, or working on homework with a cute little pixie.

  You can sign up for her newsletter at:


  Michele Ryan is an author with Decadent Publishing, After Glows Publishing, and now Twisted Erotica Publishing. Michele embraced her creative passion and co-authored several books with fellow author and best friend TL Reeve. Michele has also published two solo novellas.

  Michele is a lifelong resident of the state of New Jersey, along with her husband and three children, whom she refers to as her hobbits. When Michele is not plotting or writing, she can be found either volunteering at her children’s school or reading.

  Twisted E Publishing, LLC