Blackmailed Read online
Page 5
“Yes, they are. I've already programmed the directions to your home into the onboard GPS. It’ll appear on a screen in the windshield. It’s dinky as hell, but you’ll get the hang of it.” Kalkin patted him on the shoulder. “Get some rest. We have work to do before you publicly announce your retirement.”
Jefferson agreed. “Yes, we do.”
Chapter Four
The next morning, Jefferson woke in their new room to the first rays of sun for the coming morning filtering through their gauze curtains. The window slats covering their sliding glass door hadn’t been pulled. He’d been too tired to fool with it, as had Jochi. Speaking of which... Jefferson ran his fingers over the crisp cool sheets and frowned.
Jochi never moved from bed before he did in the morning. It’d been one of their more intimate times during the day. Rolling over, Jefferson inhaled and grinned. The smell of coffee hit his senses and he automatically figured it out. His mate was making breakfast. After pushing back the bedding, Jefferson sat up and scrubbed his face. It was only five-thirty, but for them, it was closer to eight. By now, he'd be getting a shower and on his way out the door, Jochi trailing behind him by the top of the hour. Not having to worry about those trivial things, was like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
Jefferson stood then padded out to the kitchen. Jochi was in front of the stove wearing the red silk robe covered in cranes and bare cherry trees, Jefferson loved. The left sleeve hung low on his shoulder, exposing his mate’s tan flesh. Even when the man hadn’t meant to be provocative, or tempting he was. Jefferson crossed to him and wrapped his arms around his mate’s middle as he inhaled. The fragrant smell of wild cat and spice enticed him.
“Good morning,” he whispered, before placing a kiss to his mate’s neck.
“Good morning. Did you sleep well?” Jochi glanced over his shoulder. The intense wave of lust swirling in his mate’s green eyes surprised Jefferson.
“I did. Did you?”
Jochi shrugged. “Remember what Bell said yesterday?”
Jefferson nodded. “It’s almost that time.”
He pulled Jochi away from the stove, turning it off as he went. “Do you need me now?”
“Yes.” Jochi hadn’t hesitated.
Without a second thought, Jefferson pulled open his mate’s robe. He pushed it from Jochi’s shoulders and watched as the fabric fluttered to the floor, pooling around his mate’s feet. Then, he lifted the man onto the counter. The ruddy crest of Jochi’s dick was covered in precum. His balls were tight to his body. Jefferson kissed his mate while his hands roamed over the man’s body. Jochi moaned into his mouth and, like the greedy bastard Jefferson had become since their first night together, he took more. Jefferson’s tongue tangled with Jochi. The sweet taste of his arousal, went straight to Jefferson’s head, leaving him lightheaded.
He groaned.
Jefferson wrapped his hand around Jochi’s cock and began to stroke him while he removed his boxer-briefs. A sigh of relief passed his lips as the pressure building on his dick eased.
“Bèndàn...please. No more.”
Jochi’s head fell back on his shoulders, exposing the length of his neck. For the last several months, the overwhelming need to bite his mate as Jochi had done to him, rode Jefferson hard. He couldn’t explain it, nor could he explain the other, smaller issues he’d been dealing with. Since he’d been in D.C. he didn’t have anyone he could ask about what he’d been experiencing. He’d been isolated and afraid of what Jochi would say when Jefferson told him. Plus, with the way rumors swirled in D.C. he’d be exposed as a mate quicker than he could say, “just kidding.” It would jeopardize everything he’d worked so hard for if it came out in some rag magazine, even if he had nothing to be ashamed of, would dog him for the rest of his life. The sheer paranoia of it all kept him in check and made it almost impossible for him to express how he was feeling. Jefferson snorted. A fifty-six-year-old man having to worry about what others might say about him or his sexuality should have made him laugh. However, when he thought about all the people he’d helped and was still helping at the moment, he should be selfish, right?
“No more?” He nuzzled Jochi’s neck, bringing himself back to the present. “I thought you enjoyed it when I stroked your dick.”
Jochi yowled. “I do. But too close.”
"Come for me." Jefferson pumped his fist twice more before Jochi tensed and a cry of pleasure fell from his lips. The warmth of his mate's release covered his fist and Jochi's chest and stomach. "Fucking amazing." He kissed Jochi once more before taking a step back.
Jefferson used the cum to coat his dick then positioned Jochi just as he needed him. When he spread his mate’s legs placing them over his elbows, Jefferson’s gaze met the pink tip of an anal plug. His nostrils flared as he sucked in a breath. Fuck. He tapped the kitty decal on the end. “Did you do this for me?”
Jochi nodded.
“Were you hoping I’d find you out here like this and I’d fuck you?”
He nodded again.
Jefferson tugged on the plug before pushing it back inside Jochi. The man’s back arched off the counter. “Like that?”
Jochi shook his head.
“No?” Jefferson tugged on the toy again before pushing it back in. “How then?”
His mate hissed. “Pull it out and fuck me, bèndàn!”
“Oh, you want me to pull this plug out of your ass and put my dick inside you.”
A low warning growl rumbled in his mate’s chest.
“Vicious and so fucking hot.” Jefferson removed the plug from Jochi then positioned himself at his rear.
Jochi’s puckered entrance fluttered around Jefferson’s tip before sucking him inside. He sank into his mate, inch by inch and basked in the way the heated muscles wrapped around him in a snug fist. Jefferson readjusted his position, opening Jochi up more to Jefferson’s gaze. His mate was glorious, even on the kitchen counter. His long, black hair fanned out around him. His emerald green eyes sparkled with arousal and his lithe body was covered with a thin sheen of sweat and cum.
Jefferson shivered in pleasure. Held as he was, each thrust, shot sparks of pleasure down his spine and settled low in his gut. This... This right here had been what drove him to madness over the last year they’d been together. The insatiable need to cum over and over again inside Jochi and out. It didn’t matter how long each session lasted, as long as he came, marking Jochi. Jefferson also received some perverse gratification at seeing his cum leak from Jochi ass after they were finally sated as well as knowing another shifter would smell him on Jochi.
He gripped his mate's hips and powered into him over and over as he tried to stave off his release. It felt too good though. Too warm. Too tight. Jefferson groaned as he leaned over Jochi. He buried his face in the crook of his mate's neck, the enticing scent, made his head spin. He ran his tongue over Jochi's pulse and groaned. The small gasp from his mate excited him more. Jefferson shifted his hips, changing the angle and Jochi clamped down on him hard.
Jefferson saw stars. His pace faltered and he swore their souls latched on to one another. The coil of excitement and anticipation building within him snapped and he let go. He pounded into Jochi over and over, unable to get enough of the way his mate quivered and clenched around his intrusion. Jochi reached between them and pumped the hard flesh of his cock in time to Jefferson's thrusts. The sight robbed Jefferson of his sense and he slammed into Jochi one last time, filling his mate with his cum. Jochi followed seconds later with a hoarse cry of completion.
He collapsed over Jochi, making sure to brace his forearms so he didn't hurt the man below him. As he caught his breath, he stared down at his mate. Jefferson hadn't been lying when he said he didn't understand how it all worked because in all estimation he should have lived out his remaining days alone. When he looked at Jochi, though it didn't make sense, living alone left a nasty taste in his mouth and he'd been so grateful to the man. Jefferson kissed his mate then gave a few laz
y thrusts of his hips. If he continued to do any more than that, they'd be late meeting Kalkin.
“Good morning, bèndàn,” Jochi murmured.
“Good morning, love. What a way to start the day.” Jefferson slipped free of his mate and muttered a curse.
“Would you still like to have breakfast with me?” Jochi leaned up on his elbows, his cock slowly deflated and laid along his upper thigh.
“I would, but first we should shower.” Jefferson held out his hand. “We don’t want to be late after all.”
Jochi gave him a coy little smile. “Never.”
They arrived at Vigilante a half-hour late.
Kalkin and Jerome stood near one of the monitors at the back of the office. The conference room to the left was open and inside sat Keeley, Rapier, and Adrian. Jefferson cleared his throat as he stepped into the office. He hated being late, but one thing led to the other and as cliché as it sounded, Jochi dropped the soap and who was he to not take advantage of the situation. If it'd been possible, he came harder than the first time, leaving him unable to stand for a few minutes afterward.
“You’re late,” Kalkin said.
"Mr. Sloan..." Adrian stared at both Jefferson and Jochi, his gunmetal grey eyes wide with surprise. "Thank you for the invitation to spend Thanksgiving with your family." Then in a lower voice, as he stared at Jochi, he murmured, "I didn't know you'd both be here."
"Well, as you know, I'm Senator Winters assistant. It's my job to help him when he needs me most." Jochi slid his emerald green gaze in Kalkin's direction while placing the evidence box on the table. "It's my fault we're late."
Adrian screwed up his face in confusion. “Why would it be your fault the Senator is late?”
Kalkin rolled his eyes. "Kid, if they have to explain, you're not picking up body language as quickly as I thought you would."
Adrian glanced between Jefferson and Jochi then back to Jefferson. Whatever the boy saw between them, had a pink tinge covering to tops of his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. “Oh. My bad. Sorry.”
Jefferson snorted in amusement. “No need to apologize, my boy. Thank you.”
Kalkin cleared his throat. “Is this the stuff?”
Jefferson nodded, ready to get their conversation from the night before back on track. "All of it. We have it separated into what's important and what can hang out in the peripheral for a bit."
Kalkin joined Jochi. “Great, then let’s get to work compiling a takedown case.”
"I'll take these." Keeley grabbed the thumb drives rubber-banded together and headed out of the conference room. "I can decipher the information quicker with my personal computer."
Jefferson gathered up the accounting documents from Senator Brawborn and Tory first. They were part of the FICA warrant obtained after the auction at the zoo. He also pulled out ten years’ worth of IRS documentation, including hidden accounts made public during the Panama Papers scandal in 2016.
Being able to use anything he found on Senators Beltran or Roberts would be harder. He didn’t have warrants for them. Which meant any information he discovered might be inadmissible in a court of law. He understood he walked a tight rope between lawful and unlawful activity. However, if what he uncovered ended up in say, oh, a reporter’s hands, and they ran with the story, well, not his problem—right?
“Senator Beltran and Roberts are both concealing funding for certain PBH activities. One of which was the auction a year ago where Tory and Brawborn were also found. The problem is, I can’t fully put them there, due to getting this information in not so legal ways.”
Kalkin frowned. “Sources?”
Jefferson nodded. “Deep sources with forensic accounting ties.”
“Okay. What else you have?”
Jefferson grabbed the stacks of documents and handed them to Kalkin. “Another was the study of children with abilities, i.e. Mikey and the children like him who were found at the Zoo. They also had sexual studies. Each one had money funneled to these study groups by an offshore account, listed in the Papers. The money from these transactions were conclusively found to be actual pork-eared amounts for different scientific programs that didn’t exist.”
“Does the public know about this yet? At least where Brawborn and Tory are concerned” Jerome asked, joining them.
“No, probably won’t either. The trials for both senators will be held behind closed doors, due to the nature of the infractions and because of PBH’s involvement.” Jefferson scrubbed his forehead. “I’m surprised the judge in Holly’s case hasn’t put a gag on anything yet.”
“We could put a bug in the judge’s ear,” Rapier said. “If it’ll help you.”
“I’m not sure it would, even if the judge did,” Jefferson said. “She was the ways and means for PBH to continue in the dark. Like with the NRA, and who gets money from the organization, it’s a dirty secret that’s not so secret anymore on Capitol Hill. Nine chances out of ten, when the shit starts rolling downhill, there will be more senators than not who have some kind of connection.”
“The problem isn’t the expulsion or the censure of the senators, it is the fact three men decided to blackmail Jefferson.” Jochi frowned as he pulled three more thumb drives from his pocket. “They want to expose our relationship and they’ll do whatever they can to do so, including the dubious audit. Well, I have my own set of documents we don’t need a warrant for.”
Jefferson sighed. “I should have known.”
Jochi gave him a smug grin. "On these drives, you'll find everything you need to take all of them down. Brawborn, Beltran, Mr. Davis, Roberts, and Tory."
“What is it?” Jerome took the black and red USB sticks.
“Everything from parties with underage girls, to drug habits, to gambling habits. It pays when you can walk through society as someone else,” Jochi said.
Kalkin whistled. “You got this all on your own?”
Jochi nodded. “Yes, I did. I’d do it again to protect what’s mine.”
“Well, the best way to prevent that from happening is—”
“Should you prevent it?” Kalkin glanced at Jefferson then to Jochi. “Why not make a video where you announce you’re a mate?” He then pointed to all the information on the table. “This...this isn’t your fight anymore. If you want to retire, hand this off.”
“What?” The thought never occurred to him. Or maybe it had, but the idea of someone else taking on his job rubbed Jefferson wrong. "It's not finished."
“It is though,” Adrian said. “Kalkin’s right. If you continue with this, you’ll never leave. You’ll always have one more meeting or one more hearing or one more something. This... This is almost thirty years of information. You can’t believe if you snap your fingers, you’ll be through with it.”
Jefferson sat down. “You’re being audited though.”
Kalkin chuckled. The menacing sound skirted down Jefferson’s spine. “Like I told you, we’re above reproach. We’ve done more to help those who need it than anyone else has or likely will.”
“I feel like I am giving up.”
“Don’t think of it that way,” Adrian said. “Think of it as the new generation is taking over the battle.”
The door swung open with a crash and Keeley stormed into the room holding a tablet. “You need to see this.” She turned it to Jefferson. “I don’t know how this happened, but I am looking into it now.”
The grainy photo from Jefferson's office had been plastered across a D.C. newspaper. From the angle, it was taken near the couch to the right of his office door. The scene captured had his stomach knotting. He and Jochi caught in the middle of having sex. If he had to guess, right after the little meeting with Beltran, Mr. Davis, and Roberts.
Seconds later, every phone in the room buzzed. Jefferson grabbed his phone and the same photo had been used in several different articles. The shit was trending on Twitter in less than ten minutes. Fury surged through his veins. The need to rip everything apart and burn it all down flowed through
him, scaring him. He’d never felt such a volatile emotion before. “Son of a bitch.” He loosened his grip on the tablet when he heard it pop. Glancing down, he frowned. The corner of the screen had been broken. He placed the device on the table, turning it over so he didn’t have to see the picture. “I can’t let this lie any longer.”
“Then you play right into their trap,” Kalkin muttered. “First, you can’t tell who is in the picture. If you come out guns blazing, they’ll know for sure it was you. It won’t take them long afterward to figure out who’s with you.”
“I want a crack at this first,” Keeley said. “It’s my equipment they hacked. If I can backtrack and figure out who did it, we can nail their asses.”
"It's a worm." Adrian scrolled through his phone. "Some underling trying to impress their boss. If you find them, they'll squeal. They'll tell you everything." He started typing on his screen. "I can have it retracted within the hour if you want."
Keeley pursed her lips. “Give me two. Then work your magic.”
“Two hours it is,” Adrian grunted as he hit send.
Jochi sat beside him. “We knew this day would come. We can’t always have it the way we want it.”
No, Jefferson agreed. Nothing was ever perfect, he understood that. What he didn't like was having the rug pulled out from under him. Add in the fact he was in the middle of not only trying to nail all of PBH to the wall but also close up the censure and expulsion of two of the major donors to PBH. Jefferson scrubbed his face. "Fine. We'll do it your way."
“Think of it this way” —Kalkin placed his hand on Jefferson’s shoulder— “all the shit you got on Beltran, Roberts and Mr. Davis will be turned over lawfully and used against them. Plus, with Adrian here, he can get the FBI more information once he knows for sure who’s behind this stupid attack.”
The kid nodded. “They’re not heavy hitters for the organization if it’s who you believe it is. We’ll make them an example of what members shouldn’t be doing without permission.”
“Permission?” Jefferson cocked a brow.